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We are committed to safeguarding the welfare of children and vulnerable adults.

The Princes Hall has adopted the Council's Safeguarding Policy. This document outlines the Council's approach to safeguarding vulnerable people, roles and responsibilities and the procedure for raising concerns. It also includes guidance on best practice when working with vulnerable people to ensure that, where possible, no one is placed in situations where allegations of abuse might be made against them.

To supplement the policy, the Princes Hall has produced a Safeguarding Policy which both summarises the key points of the policy and highlights some additional information that is bespoke to the venue.

Reporting procedure

Remember it is not up to you to decide if abuse has taken place, that is the role of Hampshire County Council's Children and Adult Services, however, it is your responsibility to report any concerns you may have.

The Princes Hall's Safeguarding Champion is able to offer information and advice when concerns are raised: Tim Astley, Venue Manager, Tel: 01252 398577

If a safeguarding referral needs to be made to address your concerns then you will be asked to complete a Safeguarding Referral Form, which will then be submitted to the Designated Safeguarding Officer at safeguarding@communitysafetynh.org

Guidance for children attending our shows

Primary School Age (under 11) - must be accompanied by an adult sitting with them.
Senior School Age (11 to 17) - the choice of whether to leave a child/children to watch a show unaccompanied is that of the parent or guardian. If the responsible adult chooses not to attend the event, they are very welcome to stay on the premises in the foyer or bar areas.