If you are a regular visitor to the Princes Hall, then why not join one of our membership schemes?
Membership entitles you to many exciting benefits including...
£20 per year
- Priority booking - on selected shows (excluding pantomime)
- Priority waiting list
- Advance notice of forthcoming shows*
- Advance distribution of our What's On brochure
£35 per year
- Priority booking - on selected shows (including pantomime)
- Priority waiting list
- Advance notice of forthcoming shows*
- Advance distribution of our What's On brochure
- Pantomime benefits -
- Priority booking
- Discounted tickets
- VIP event invite
- Discounts on ticket prices*
- Discounted cinema tickets
- Discounted Renewal - £5 off
- Reserve tickets up to 7 days
- Discount on Priority Parking spaces (£5 off)
- Discount on VIP Gold Bar (£3 off)
- Annual newsletter
- Occasional ticket offers and other nice surprises
- Membership Card
- Ice cream vouchers on joining / renewal
£50 per year
- Priority booking - on selected shows (including pantomime)
- Priority waiting list
- Advance notice of forthcoming shows*
- Advance distribution of our What's On brochure
- Pantomime benefits -
- Priority booking
- Discounted tickets
- VIP event invite
- Discounts on ticket prices*
- Discounted cinema tickets
- Discounted Renewal - £5 off
- Reserve tickets up to 14 days
- Discount on Priority Parking spaces (£10 off)
- Discount on VIP Gold Bar (£8 off)
- 10% off sweets, drinks and ice creams from bar
- Annual newsletter
- Occasional ticket offers and other nice surprises
- Membership Card
- Ice cream vouchers on joining / renewal
- Soft drinks voucher on joining / renewal
- Name recognition in foyer
*On selected shows